Divine Justice & Comfortable Words
By The Very Rev. Sandy Key
This Season we are using Rite I for our Eucharistic Services. Rite I carries many fond memories for many of us, well beyond the antiquated phrases and responses. For me, the part I hold so close is the Comfortable Words which follow the Absolution and precede the Peace.
Divine Justice & Comfortable Words
We often need assurance and comfort. Today’s readings remind us of God’s presence during our most challenging moments and reflect God’s immense mercy even when we are at our worst. They invite us into a deeper understanding of our relationship with God.
Psalm 17 is a heartfelt plea from deep within us. Each time we read this psalm, we too seek refuge in God's unwavering righteousness, especially when others offend or hurt us. This Psalm beautifully illustrates the intimate relationship we share with God.
As we cry out for justice, we are reminded that God is not some distant figure; He is intimately involved in our lives, waiting for us to call upon Him. This profound truth comforts and encourages us to turn to God, especially in times of trouble. When we voice our pains and struggles to Him, we discover an incredible empowerment to face our challenges, no matter their size, knowing wholeheartedly that we are never alone on this journey.
Reflecting on 1 Chronicles 21:1-17, I am moved by a profound moment in David’s life. Here was a man who, despite his flaws, recognized his own mistakes and was willing to face the consequences. When David chose to take a census, it didn’t just upset God; it led to a heavy punishment that impacted his entire nation. But what strikes me the most is how this story transforms from despair to hope.
When David faced his decisions, he embraced humility and asked for forgiveness, showing us that we can find redemption by acknowledging our flaws. We can always turn back and seek restoration.
God’s willingness to forgive assures us that a fresh start is always possible, regardless of our past.
The heart of the "Comfortable Words" in 1 John 2:1 reassures us that when we stumble, we have an advocate in Jesus Christ who intercedes on our behalf—inviting us to approach God honestly about our failings without fear or shame. God understands our struggles, and we are offered grace that washes over our mistakes, inviting us back into a loving relationship with Him.
Divine justice doesn’t exist without mercy. When we face challenges—whether external, as in Psalm 17, or internal, like David's sin—we are met with God's steadfast love. Through prayer and reflection, we can find solace in knowing that God is with us, hears our cries, and that there is always a path back to Him.
Let’s draw strength from the knowledge that we are never far from God’s loving embrace, knowing He is our greatest comfort in our weakest moments. By God’s Grace, we can easily navigate the complexities of life with faith, hope, and an abiding sense of peace in His presence.