parish life
Get Involved & Fellowship
The people at St. Stephen’s like to do things together! Along with worship, formation, and outreach, we also just like to have fun. There are plenty of opportunities to come and enjoy a time of fellowship with the St. Stephen’s family.
Looking for a way to get involved? Here’s a list of all of our fellowship ministries and opportunities.
Reception Desk Ministry
The Reception Desk Ministry provides a valuable support for St. Stephen’s during our office hours (Monday-Thursday | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.). Receptionists supplement the office staff in important ways, including answering the telephone, helping to assemble the weekly bulletins, providing directions to the campus, and answering questions. They also assist folks who visit our campus and sometimes just engage in the important welcoming work of conversation and fellowship.
Volunteers can sign up for a regular time every week or simply fill in when they can. To learn more and to sign up, please contact Lucy Petruccelli.
St. Stephen’s Stitchers
Bobby Nielsen
A dedicated group of knitters, quilters, crocheters, embroiderers, needle pointers, and those with other gifts work to produce prayer shawls, hats, devotional objects, and other articles for those who are in any sort of sickness, sorrow, or need. These items are regularly blessed during our worship services and are distributed by the Eucharistic Visitors and others. Any skill level from very basic to professional is welcome. Prior to the pandemic, this group also met in-person once a month for fellowship.