Diocesan Programs on Racism and Racial Reconciliation
“Roundtables on Race”
The Diocese of North Carolina is currently offering a series of podcasts on select topics related to racial reconciliation. This is a new offering, with four episodes completed to date. The podcasts are hosted by our own Rev. Kathy Walker, who is the missioner for Black Ministries in this Diocese, and who interviews a variety of local and national figures on these special topics. The current topic under discussion is the media and racism. This podcast is available on the Diocesan website at Roundtables on Race or on the following podcast sites: Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, and Tunein.
Sacred Ground
Tony Hawkins, Dr. Jeremy Godwin, and the Rev. Pat Grace are currently taking the training offered by the Diocese to become facilitators in the Sacred Ground program. This 10-session program, a national offering by The Episcopal Church, is a film-based dialogue series on race and faith created by Katrina Browne, producer and director of the film, Traces of the Trade. Upon completion of this training, these three can be available to initiate a program at St. Stephen’s which can also include members of the community regardless of their affiliation with any church or denomination. Stay tuned for further developments.