Call for Lectors, Ushers, and Family Altar Guild
Volunteers urgently needed!
If you have been thinking about serving the church in a new way, consider becoming a lector or usher for our Sunday services.
Lectors: We are currently being well served by ten excellent lectors, but we need many more to create a schedule which is manageable for all. Youth are also invited to consider this ministry. Contact Nancy Ciaffone to sign up to serve or to be trained at or Rev. Pat at or 919-628-5147.
Ushers: Right now, we are also looking for ushers to assist Matt and Debbie Breuer, who have taken on the work of building a strong usher corps. This is also an opportunity for parents and kids to serve together…everyone can be an usher in church with the right training and supervision! Contact Matt and Debbie at
Family Altar Guild: Finally, we are hoping to begin something quite new—a family altar guild team. Our eight altar guild members are also very ably serving—blessings on them for their faithfulness! But we would really like to pioneer a new way of preparing the altars for Sunday services by teams of parents and kids working with seasoned altar guild mentors. Contact Rev. Pat at or 919-628-5147 to learn more!