Joining Heaven to Earth
The Ven. Sarah Woodard
Psalm 8 is an exception to the rule as it does not pertain specifically to David who authored a reflective or meditative psalm regarding man’s place in relation to nature.
Although God created the entire universe (Ps. 8:1-3), He chose to appoint human beings to rule over creation (Ps. 8:5-8). This is a high calling. “You have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet” (Ps. 8:5-6). When we exercise authority and leadership, we do so as God’s delegates. Our rule cannot be arbitrary or self-serving but must serve God’s purposes. Chief among these are caring for the creatures of the earth (Ps. 8:7-8) and protecting the weak and vulnerable, especially children (Ps. 8:2).
What is the role of human beings in the grand scheme of the cosmos? God beckons us to celebrate joyfully and to care for one another and all that He created. We examine the way we live, the respect we have for ourselves and each other as well as to our care for the earth. We might just begin to understand our role in the world realizing that creation is not yet finished. God is at work even now and remains in the world at work in all the actions of creatures. When we cooperate in carrying out God’s plan for the world, one that involves conquering sin and evil, enabling all people to share in divine life, then we are truly God’s coworkers.
We are called to be people who love, people who give of ourselves, always reaching out in praise and in love for one another and for all the earth.
The Psalm ends as it begins—praising the majesty of our God! The goal of Psalm 8 is to join heaven to the earth, until earth is full of the excellency of the name of Christ. With the coming of Christ into humanity, this was accomplished. Each one who walks in the light of Christ brings forth grace.
Psalm 8 portrays reverence for creation and humanity’s special role that aligns with Advent’s themes of hope and peace. In Advent, Christians reflect on Jesus as the embodiment of God’s love and the ultimate revelation of divine glory—a theme echoed in Psalm 8’s praise for God’s majesty. The psalm’s focus on human responsibility and dignity also connects with Advent’s call to prepare one’s heart, recognize our divine image, and live out love, hope, and stewardship in the world.
In essence, Psalm 8 provides a perspective of awe and responsibility that complements the introspective preparation and expectation central to Advent.
Psalm 8 is poetry with words that blend worship and wonder, mystery and majesty, contemplation and celebration. Thanks be to God for this wonderful song of delight and praise to God.