God Keeps Trying
By Nancy Ciaffone
Readings for March 19, 2024: Reflecting on the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Years ago, Bishop Curry asked us to read The Dream of God by Verna Dozier for Lent. I did and have sent copies to friends and relatives all over. These readings brought me right slam back into what I learned then.
God wants us back with him. I really don't think He threw Adam and Eve out. I think they left because they wanted to be the ones to make the decisions. Just like we do. And He keeps trying to get us back. But we keep saying, "Yeah, but." Adam and Eve don't look back.
Isaiah tells us what life will be if we turn back to God. Yeah, it sounds great. But we have to make some sacrifices. Not of dead animals, but of our pride and determination to be in charge. So, Israel's response is basically our usual: Sure, but "Yeah, but.'
The portion of Psalm 119 celebrates God's instructions and promises that when you let God “get to you" your real life will meet God. Sounds great. But have we done it? Have we really let God "get" to us? Many of us in many ways. But not enough in enough ways for sure. We are not living God's dream. We make these promises and say, "Yeah, but."
And Acts. Yes, God went the whole way and offered his own Son to lead us back to him. So, what did we do? We killed him. So, God offered the Holy Spirit, the word of God to those who had not heard the Word, to the whole world. Now we all have reason to know the truth. But we still say "Yeah, but."
I'm not saying that I get it and do it right. Far from it. I know just how often I fail. He may get a snag on me this Easter.