Tick, Tick, Tick

By Megan Carlson

Readings for March 11, 2024: Reflecting on the Fourth Sunday in Lent

Lent is a season of thinking, of contemplating, of planning. Even outside the church context, it is a season of preparation. In the church, we are preparing for the season of Easter. In our lives, we may be planning for summer camps, graduations, vacations, vegetable gardens, or house projects when it is warm again. The earth is planning for the new growth of spring, the long days of summer, and the harvest of fall. As we plan and prepare, we reflect on the past, on what we want to do differently. We contemplate the future, we pray, will come to fruition. 

And we hope that all good things will come quickly to pass. It is the contradiction of Lent, that we have the space to breathe before the hectic seasons to come, and yet we wish it by to get to the more exciting times. In these the liminal days between winter and spring, we hasten the transition to warmer weather. Our patience, the patience that is nurtured through Lent, wears thin.

And yet, the readings tell us that God’s love is steadfast. They tell us that we need only hold firm to receive the promise of God’s love. The promise that is all around us, just waiting for us to notice.

As I think about all the actions and plans that I am waiting to happen, I am comforted in the time I must be patient, to wait, to prepare. I am excited to plant new grape vines on the church campus ,and I am grateful to have the time to learn how to best prepare to plant grape vines on the church campus. I am excited for summer travel and grateful that I don’t have to pack my bags tomorrow. With only a few weeks of Lent left, I am excited for the Easter Season, and grateful for a few more weeks of intentional spiritual practices, like reading this morning reflection series.

The future will come, change and excitement is promised. And through it all will be God’s steadfast love. So, for now, let us all enjoy the waiting.


Dealing with Temptation

