Heavenly Things
By The Ven. Sarah Woodard
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:5)
Our hope should be in God, our creator, not on worldly things for they gather dust and don’t last.
Lent reminds us to press on with determination, thankful for all of the living examples found in a community of faithful people.
The life of the cross leads us to a heavenly commonwealth. Philippians were proud of their status as citizens of Rome and Paul reminded them that there is a better citizenship to be had. There is a greater Lord than Caesar. This Lord is a cross-bearer who is now glorified and eternal. Our hope for an eternal future with him is grounded in the call to be like Him in servanthood toward others.
In our active engagement in the suffering of the world, we empty ourselves and discover the scandal of a life never imagined. This life points to something beyond all hope, that God is in control and will transform this life into something of a different kind altogether. Imitating Christ is the confident hope that we shall be like him.
We need not fully understand God’s blessings in order to enjoy them. We need hopeful and patient hearts to accept those blessings gratefully. Theologian, Walter Brueggermann describes this belief as acceptance of an act of faith. God will tell us all there is to know if we persist but sometimes it is best to accept divine assurances and their blessed time frame along with them. The church must provide a counter-narrative to the dominant forces of consumerism.
God is the source of strength and blessing. Today, we hear that Melchizedek blesses Abram, thereby attributing his victory to God. Trust in God because he is the source of strength and salvation. And, we wait for Christ who will transform us with His divine power.
Citizenship of the children of God is far beyond material goods. Our lives are called to be in community though it is far from perfect, yet. And, we live in a struggle of faith, a struggle that is both “joy and crown.”
Lent demands a response to this hope while it invites reflection. Paul calls those who move toward the cross his “joy and crown.” We are asked to stand firm in the Lord. This is more than being in a secure place; it is being in a secure person. The pattern we imitate is nothing less than grace and peace.
Thank you, Lord, for many things, especially for the Lenten season.