For the Love of Judgment
By Megan Carlson
Judgment sits in a weird place in our society. In many ways, we are a society built on judgment. We “judge” if food is ripe. We “judge” if there is enough room to fit. We “judge” a lot that is fact which complicates our relationship with judgment based on nothing more than personal preference and ideology.
As for these ‘squishier’ judgments, they can be revered, like giving a compliment1; or they can be abused, like booing the opposing team at a sporting event. There are certainly more central judgments that affect the lives of everyday people which seem callous and arbitrary. And yet, to return judgment with judgment is no better than to return a slap received with a slap given.
So, are we too doomed as the psalmist begins to muzzle our mouths, be silent and still, and hold our peace? Are we to feel the pain of indifference as we await death? I hope not. The psalmist certainly was not a silent personality.
Rather, it feels like this condemnation of judgment is another call to show the LOVE of God, to magnify the power of forgiveness in a broken world. Lent is a time to take stock of our own sins as we prepare to be reminded of God’s LOVE on the cross which saves us. Therefore, let us also during Lent take stock of the judgments we hold that keep us separate from God’s LOVE.
It is right and good to make the world a better place, a place that is welcoming for all people to come as they are. It is right and good to make a world free of strife and conflict, where peace is lasting and deep. To make a world such as these, we need not judge those that would work in opposition or differently than we would deem appropriate. Judgment is not required to make something right. Judgment is not required to be moral. As Paul told the Romans, and I am paraphrasing, God will do all the judgment that is needed on all people such that God doesn’t need our help to complete the action on earth. God only needs us to LOVE.
Therefore, as we enter the 2nd half of Lent, I encourage us all to take a moment to reflect on the judgments we pass each and every day and to use this time to think about how we can respond to actions and judgments without judgment. For me, reflecting on judgment is a chance to look at beliefs not based on fact that may not have been guided by LOVE and how I can do better in the future. I mean, do I really need to berate the refs in hockey for a bad call?
1 To be clear, a compliment can be an act of LOVE and/or an act of judgment. Only you and God can know which guides your motivation.