The Pilgrimage to Paradise

Matty Alexander

Psalm 104

Alleluia! Alleluia! Bless the Lord, O my soul! Psalm 104 presents the glory and majesty of God in perhaps its most vibrant and magnificent form. The illustration of God’s glorious creation and the hand he has to play in each facet of this world belies the essence of God’s covenant with man. The Lord of all creation has given us a beautiful, incredible, and awe inspiring life to live–that even with all of its ups and downs we can still look to moonlight and the setting of the sun and see but perhaps the faintest glimpse of the paradise to come. 

Let us be thankful for the opportunity to embark on this pilgrimage to paradise, let us be thankful to be awash in the glow of the glory of the paradise to come, let us be thankful to simply have the opportunity to interact with the divine. As we look to the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, let us rejoice in the splendor of our journey in faith in the triune god. Stop for a moment and sit with God’s creation. This evening or next evening, go outside at dusk and listen. Go outside and look. Go outside and smell. Go outside and feel. Go outside and be with God’s creation. Think. Laugh. Cry. Lament. Rejoice. Endure. Praise. Reconcile. Give your heart and soul to Heaven at that moment and be one with the Lord. Take in the beauty of God’s world and rejoice in the birth of our savior! Alleluia! Alleluia! Bless the Lord, O my soul!


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