Praise the Lord!
The Ven. Sarah Woodard
Psalm 148 and Advent inspire a vision of joy, hope, and praise as we anticipate Christ's coming. This connection between creation’s praise and humanity’s anticipation highlights the fullness of God’s salvation plan to which the season of Advent points us.
God created all of us and every living thing out of love.
As members of God’s created order, we are called to care deeply for others especially those who don’t look like us, act like us, or think like us. We are called to watch over others with love, stewardship and justice. When we care about each other, we care for the world. Our voices blend together in one glorious sound as we praise the God who made us, redeems and sustains us.
God needs each of our voices and the collection of them all to be in harmony by proclaiming what is right and what is wrong. By living, working and praying side-by-side, we proclaim that God is good and that our lives are forever shaped by the intimate communion we share with our creator.
We pray to God for the earth and all that’s in it—especially its weather and crawling and walking creatures who are called to praise the Lord. Together we can accomplish much—God hears us. This text focuses on creation as an instrument of praise. It calls us to be in awe of what God has made. How will we preserve the earth and all that is in it?
Some people utilize their talents and skills in volunteer and daily work to fulfill God’s call in our lives. Teachers, doctors, lawyers can worship God in their lives as they exercise their abilities in the world. We all have something to share.
We can vocalize praise for the rest of creation. Humanity has a responsibility to serve as the surrogates of praise for the other inhabitants on earth and of the cosmos. God’s splendor and the holiness of God’s nature give us reason to worship Him. The psalmist suggests that at the very least the faithful are to praise God because God has raised up a horn for his people (v. 14) and has bestowed dignity upon them.
Remember, holiday times are not joyful for everyone. The psalmist’s call to praise might sound hollow to those who await a medical diagnosis, experience the loss of a job or being frightened about spending time alone. Some people dread the holidays because of unfulfilled expectations.
Advent is a season of waiting for the arrival of Jesus, both his birth at Christmas and his promised return. Psalm 148’s call for all creation to praise God encourages us to live in a spirit of worship and hope as we await Christ's coming. It invites us to see the beauty of creation as a testament to God's goodness and faithfulness, qualities that are magnified during the Advent season.
Let’s praise God for all that we have. After all, He made us and called us in His image.